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The Benefits of Adjunct Faculty Joining the Faculty Senate

Image of a teacher in front of a classroom with adult learners. The text says: The benefits of adjunct faculty joining the faculty senate

Adjunct faculty members are crucial in higher education, bringing real-world experience and diverse perspectives to the classroom. However, they often face challenges, including job security, representation, and inclusion within the academic community. One powerful way to address these concerns and enhance the overall functioning of institutions is by encouraging adjunct faculty to actively participate in the faculty senate. This article explores the benefits of including adjunct faculty in faculty senates.

Representation and Advocacy

Adjunct faculty constitute a significant portion of the higher education workforce, yet their voices and concerns are frequently overlooked. By joining the faculty senate, adjunct faculty gain a platform to voice their perspectives, contribute to decision-making processes, and advocate for issues that directly impact their working conditions. Their presence in the Senate ensures that their unique experiences and challenges are acknowledged and addressed, leading to a more inclusive and equitable academic environment.

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Collaboration and Networking

The faculty senate is a central hub for collaboration and networking among faculty members. People from across departments and disciplines interact and share best practices. By participating in the senate, adjunct faculty can access valuable mentorship opportunities, establish professional connections, and expand their professional networks, ultimately enriching their teaching and research endeavors.

Professional Development

Adjuncts often need more access to professional development resources offered to full-time faculty. By being part of the faculty senate, adjunct faculty gain access to development opportunities, workshops, and resources to enhance their teaching skills, incorporate innovative pedagogies, and stay current on emerging trends in their fields. This engagement supports their professional growth, increasing job satisfaction and improving student outcomes.

Job Security and Contractual Issues

One of the primary concerns for adjunct faculty is job security and the need for long-term contracts. Through faculty senate representation, adjunct faculty can collaborate with their tenured and tenure-track colleagues to address contractual issues and advocate for fair employment practices. By actively participating in the senate, adjunct faculty can contribute to policy discussions, propose changes to institutional practices, and ensure that employment contracts and compensation packages align with their contributions and expertise.

Institutional Change and Reform

Faculty senates shape institutional policies, curricula, and governance structures. Adjunct faculty bring unique perspectives and experiences that can inform decision-making processes and promote institutional change. Their involvement in the faculty senate ensures that policies and practices reflect the needs and aspirations of all faculty members, creating a more inclusive and democratic academic environment.

Including adjunct faculty in the Senate contributes to the future of higher education institutions. By actively participating in decision-making processes, adjunct faculty gain a voice, representation, and the ability to advocate for their concerns and aspirations. The benefits of their involvement include increased job security, enhanced professional development opportunities, and a more inclusive campus community. Embracing the valuable contributions of adjunct faculty within the faculty senate will lead to a more equitable and thriving academic environment, benefiting faculty, students, and institutions.

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Angela Britcher is a writer, communications professor, and instructional designer. She works with The Babb Group and Edusity.
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